Using MIDI
You can use the MIDI interface to control various aspects of | In addition, MIDI controls, like wheels and velocity effect | |
this unit For example, you can switch between memorized | . controllers, can be used to control things like effect depth in | |
effects by using the program table, or save USER memory | real time. (See 'Settingthe Real Time Control (RTC)H on | |
data onto an external storage device. | page 21.) |
SYSTEM Shuttle ring |
MIDI Transmit Switch Setup (Tx-Sw)
1 | Pre'Ss SYSTEM. |
2 | Press FUNCTION D toch,xlse "MID!." |
3 Press FUNCrJON D to chouse | |
| FUNCTION A IPANELI selects the whether or not exclusive |
-o ~ .;;55 , [III]
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION D to select "MID!:"
EJ G·? ~ ~ -::x::
Set UP Memry Pedal MIDI Morph
3Use the FUNCTION buttons
System: Midi
Basic Table
Select | to |
Basic | set basic MIDI functions. |
FUNCTION | Operation dial |
Preparing a Basic MIDI Setup (Basic)
Usc "13i\Sic" to set bi\sic MIDI functions.
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION D to choose "MID!."
3Press FUNCTION A to choose "Basic."
FUNCTION A I CII I srecifies the MIDI channel
FUNCTION B I OMNII turns till'OMNI function ON/OFF. FUNCTION C lOUT 1sets till' MIDI function OUT/TIIRU.
MIDI Program Table Setup (Table)
TABLE lets you decide how the MIDI commands will eff,'Ct a given
memory number, n'l'lllory bank.
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION D to choose "MID!."
3Press FUNCTION B to choose "Table."
FUNCTION A IMIDI#I sek'Cts the MIDI rrogram change number. FUNCTION I3II3ANK#1 sd"cts the oll'mory bank or bYrass. FUNCTION C IMEM#I sek'Cts the memory number.
lnessclgl's lh"t "ppcar when buttons on the front panel are presst>d |
will be ""nt vi,) MIDI OUT. |
Transmitting MIDI Data in Bulk (Bulk-Tx)
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCrJON D tu
3Prl'ss FUNCTION E to chlXlse
FUNCTIDN A ITypel selects the type uf data th.)t will be tr~nslllitted (UI, U2, UI+U2,SYSTEM,ur ALL>.
FUNCTION I:lINUMI sdects whether tu transmit all the cunt"nts of ,1 memory b'lnk,or only individu,ll memory numbers (when you select U I or U2 for the ITypeD.
FUNCTION I'IEXECI to sends the data.
Ill' sure th"t both the sending and receiving MIDI channels are sct to
tht· same v,)iul's.H till' sL>nding ,lnd rl'cl~iving chc'lnnl'1~ nrc different,
th,' dolt" will nut be m:<:ived ewn if OMNI is set tu ON.
| Table | determine the MIDI command tilble. |
| determine how MIDI datil will be received. | |
| determine how MIDI diltil will be transmitted. | |
| send MIDI data in bulk. | |
4Use FUNCTION buttons
MIDI Receive Switch Setup (Rx-Sw)
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION D to choose "MID!."
3Press FUNCTION C to ch,xlSe
FUNCTION A IEXCLVI turns ,'xciusiVl' reCl'ption ON/OFF. FUNCTION 1311'. Chg.1 turns rrogram ch"ig" rt'Certion ON/OFF. FUNCTION C IC.Chg.1 turns control d,ange Yl'c"ption ON /OFI'. FUNCTION J)
26EN | 27EN |