Using MIDI

You can use the MIDI interface to control various aspects of

In addition, MIDI controls, like wheels and velocity effect

this unit For example, you can switch between memorized

. controllers, can be used to control things like effect depth in

effects by using the program table, or save USER memory

real time. (See 'Settingthe Real Time Control (RTC)H on

data onto an external storage device.

page 21.)



SYSTEM Shuttle ring

MIDI Transmit Switch Setup (Tx-Sw)

Tx-Sw lets Y"U wntrol hllw MIDI exclusive dat" is output from this unit (except when using Ilulk-Tx).




Press FUNCTION D toch,xlse "MID!."

3 Press FUNCrJON D to chouse "Tx-Sw."


FUNCTION A IPANELI selects the whether or not exclusive

-o ~ .;;55 , [III]

1Press SYSTEM.

2Press FUNCTION D to select "MID!:"


EJ G·? ~ ~ -::x::

Set UP Memry Pedal MIDI Morph


3Use the FUNCTION buttons (A-F) to choose the MIDI block you want to adjust.

System: Midi


Basic Table Rx-Sw Tx-Sw Bulk-Tx






set basic MIDI functions.


Operation dial

Preparing a Basic MIDI Setup (Basic)

Usc "13i\Sic" to set bi\sic MIDI functions.

1Press SYSTEM.

2Press FUNCTION D to choose "MID!."

3Press FUNCTION A to choose "Basic."

FUNCTION A I CII I srecifies the MIDI channel (1-16).

FUNCTION B I OMNII turns till'OMNI function ON/OFF. FUNCTION C lOUT 1sets till' MIDI function OUT/TIIRU.

MIDI Program Table Setup (Table)

TABLE lets you decide how the MIDI commands will eff,'Ct a given

memory number, n'l'lllory bank.

1Press SYSTEM.

2Press FUNCTION D to choose "MID!."

3Press FUNCTION B to choose "Table."

FUNCTION A IMIDI#I sek'Cts the MIDI rrogram change number. FUNCTION I3II3ANK#1 sd"cts the oll'mory bank or bYrass. FUNCTION C IMEM#I sek'Cts the memory number.

lnessclgl's lh"t "ppcar when buttons on the front panel are presst>d

will be ""nt vi,) MIDI OUT.

Transmitting MIDI Data in Bulk (Bulk-Tx)

Bulk-Tx lets you transmit MIDI data in bulk.

1Press SYSTEM.

2Press FUNCrJON D tu l-hoose "MID!."

3Prl'ss FUNCTION E to chlXlse "BlIlk-Tx."

FUNCTIDN A ITypel selects the type uf data th.)t will be tr~nslllitted (UI, U2, UI+U2,SYSTEM,ur ALL>.

FUNCTION I:lINUMI sdects whether tu transmit all the cunt"nts of ,1 memory b'lnk,or only individu,ll memory numbers (when you select U I or U2 for the ITypeD.

FUNCTION I'IEXECI to sends the data.


Ill' sure th"t both the sending and receiving MIDI channels are sct to

tht· same v,)iul's.H till' sL>nding ,lnd rl'cl~iving chc'lnnl'1~ nrc different,

th,' dolt" will nut be m:<:ived ewn if OMNI is set tu ON.



determine the MIDI command tilble.






determine how MIDI datil will be received.






determine how MIDI diltil will be transmitted.






send MIDI data in bulk.







4Use FUNCTION buttons (A-F), operation dial, shuttle ring, number buttons, or the SHIFT and A. and T buttons to make the adjustments you desire_

MIDI Receive Switch Setup (Rx-Sw)

Rx-Sw lets you d,'Cide how this unit will receive MIDI data.

1Press SYSTEM.

2Press FUNCTION D to choose "MID!."

3Press FUNCTION C to ch,xlSe "Rx-Sw."

FUNCTION A IEXCLVI turns ,'xciusiVl' reCl'ption ON/OFF. FUNCTION 1311'. Chg.1 turns rrogram ch"ig" rt'Certion ON/OFF. FUNCTION C IC.Chg.1 turns control d,ange Yl'c"ption ON /OFI'. FUNCTION J) ICff-I'RI turns channel prl'ssurt' rt'Cl'l'tion ON/OFF. FUNCTION E IBENDRI turns pitch bender rt'Cl'ption ON/OFF.



Page 13
Image 13
Sony DPS-V77 Midi Transmit Switch Setup Tx-Sw, Preparing a Basic Midi Setup Basic, Midi Program Table Setup Table