
Identifyingparts and controls

The nunlbers in / ) are reference pa_es.









[] Power zuom lever (25)

[] PHOTO button (24)

[] Viewfiuder lens ac{iustn/eut lever / 18)

[] Viewfiuder/18)

[] Eyecup

[] HDMI OUT jack (Output only) (34)

The available video signals are read, and the

appropriate output Ibrmat is selected and

outpul aulomalically.

You call check the setup value of HDMI


[] DC IN jack (13)

[] Active Interface Shoe _;,._s_0 The Active Interface Shue supplies power to optional accessories such as a video light, a flash, or a microphone. The accessury can be turned on or off as you operate the POWER switch un your camcorder. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with your accessory lbr details.

• Whcll you c,onnect an acccssory, open lhe shoe cover,

Tile Active Interlace Shoe has a salPty device %r fixing the installed accessory

securely. To connect an acccssory, press

down and push il lo the end, and lhen

tiglacn tile screw, To rc21Ilove all accessoly,

loosen lhe screw, and then press down all(] pull out the accessory.

• Connecting with an external device wears

(lilt tile battery pack laster,

• Wllen you are recording movies with an

external flash (optional) connecled 1othe accessory shoe, turn off the power of the exlernal flash 1oprcvenl charging noi_ being recorded,

You cannot use all external flasll (optional) and the built-in flash at lhe same tinle.

[] POWER switch (16)


[] ,_/CHG/charge) lamp (13)

[] § (flash) button (26)

[] START/STOP button (23)





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Sony HDR-HC9 manual Identifyingparts and controls, IckRmce, Down and push il lo the end, and lhen