It is recommended you make a back-up of important dat_ on tile hard disk of a computer.

Be careflfl not to apply excessive lorce when

writing on a menlo area on a "Memory Stick


Do not attacll a label or the like on a "Memo W Stick DuIg' or a Memo W Stick Duo adaptor.

When you carl3' or store a 'Mmnol3' Stick Duo," put it in its case.

Do not toucll, or allow metallic objects to conle into contact with tile terminals.

Do not bend, drop or apply strong torce to the "Mmnory Stick Duo,"

Do not disassemble or modit}? tile "Memory Stick Duo."

Do not let tile "Memoly Stick DuIg' get wet.

Be careflll to kecp 'Memory Stick Duo" media out of tile reach of small children. There is

danger that a child might swallow it,

Do not in_ert anything other than a "Memory Stick Duo" into the Memory Stick Duo slot, Doing so may cau_ a malthnction.

Do not use or keq? the 'Memory Stick Duo" ill the tk_llowing locations.

Places subject to extremely tligh teml)eraturc, sucll as a car parked outside ill the summer. Places under direct sunlight.

Places with extremely higll humklity or subject to corrosive gg_ses.

NOnthe MemoryStick Duoadaptor

• When using a "Memory Stick Duo" with a

' Menlory Slick" colnpliallt dex ice, be stlre 10

insert the "Memol3_ Stick Duo" into a Mcmoly Stick Duo adaptor.

When inscrting a "Memol T Stick Duo" into a Memory Stick Duo adaptor, make sure tile "Memory Slick Duo" is insertcd titcing in file correct direction, then insert it all tile way in. If you tk)rce tile "Memory Stick Duo" into tile Memory Stick Duo adaptor in the wrong dircction or insert it incompletely, it may cause a malfunction.

Do not inert a Memo W Stick Duo adaptor without a "Memory Stick Duo" attached. Doing so may resuh in malflmctkms of the unit.

NOna "MemoryStickPRODuo"

Tile tllaxilntllll memol 3, Cal?acity ot }l 'Memory Stick PRO Duo" that call be used on your camcorder is 8 GB.

Notes on using"Memory Stick Micro"

To u_ a 'Memory Slick Micro" with the VCR, you need a Duo-sized M2 Adaptor. Insert tile 'Memory Stick Micro" into tile Duo-sized M2

Adaptor, then hlsell the adaptor into the Memol T Stick Duo slot. ]t you insert +t 'Memory Stick Micro" into tim VCR wifllout using a Duo-sized ['./[2Adaptor, you might not be able to remove it trom tile VCR.

Do not leave t]le 'Memoly Stick Micro" wit]fin tile reach of small chddren. They might accidentally swallow it.

On image data compatibility

• Image data tiles recorded on a "Memory Stick

Dtl(g _ by yotlr



to tile

'Design rule tPr Camera File system" uni_ crsal standard established by tile JEITA (Japan Electronics and lntonnation Tcclmok_gy Industries Association).

On your cameorder, you cannot play back still images recorded on other devices (DCR-

TRV900 or DSC-D700/D770) that do not contknm to tile universal standaM (The_ models are not sold in some regions).

If you cannot use a 'Mclnory Slick Duo" that has b_n used with another device, tormat it

wit h your camcorder (p. 51 ). Note that tinmatting era_s all intbrmation on the "Memory Stick Duo."

You may not be able to play back images with

your camcorder:

When playing back image data moditied on

your comptller+

When playing back image data recorded with othcr devices.

This unit is compatible with an

"Inlk_LITHIUM" battery pack (H series). Your camcorder operates only with an "Inlk_LITHIUM" battery pack. "Inlk_LITHIUM" H series battery packs

have the _)l_our_u_ _ mark.



Continued._ 93

Page 93
Image 93
Sony HDR-HC9 manual Onthe MemoryStick Duoadaptor, Ona MemoryStickPRODuo, On image data compatibility