You can prevent redeye by activating the flash before recording.

Set [REDEYE REDUC] tu [ON], then press the ,_ (flash) button (p. 26) repeatedly to select a setting.

O (Auto redeye rcductkm): Pre-flashes to reduce redeye beibrc the flash automatically flashes whcn lherc is insuflJcienl ambienl


Q _ /Forced redeye reduction): Always uses the flash and the rcdeye reducing pro-flash.

@/NO flash): Records without flash.

O Notes

The rcdeye reduction may not produce the desired ettcct due to individual diflcrcnces and

other conditions.

The picture will be recurded at a maximum of 16 times the sensitivity of NightShot recurdiug if you set [SUPER NS] to ION] while the NIGHTSHOT switch (p. 27) is also set tu ON.

S{_ and ["SUPER NIGHTSHOT"] appear on the screen.

Tu return tu the normal setting, set [SUPER NS] to [OFF], or set the NIGHTSHOT switch to OFF.

O Notes

Do not use NightShot/[SUPER NS] in brighl places. This nmy cause a malfimclion,

Do not cover the inliared port with your fingers or other o[_iects (p. 105).

Remove the conversion lens (optional) and lhe lens hood.

Adjusl the locus manually ([FOCUSI, p. 45) when il is hard 1o lbcus automalically.

The shultcr sp_d of your camcorder changes depending on the brighmess. The molion of the picture may slow down in this case,

When using either the NightShot (p. 27) or [SUPER NS] (p. 47) function tu record, yuu can record clearer pictures by setting [NS LIGHT], which emits infrared light /invisibleh to [ON]/the default setting).

O Notes

Do not co_cr the inh'ared port with your lingers or od_er objects (p. 105).

Remove the convm:sion lens (optional) and tile lens hood.

The maxinmm shooting dislance using [NS LIGHTI is about 3 m (10 lPet).

When you set [COLOR SLOW S] to [ON],



record an


brighter in color



in dark











uu the




To cancel [COLOR SLOW S], touch


O Notes

Adjust the locus manually ([FOCUS], p. 45) when il is hard 1o locus automalically.

The shuuer speed of your camcorder changes depending on tile brightness. Tile motion of the picture nmy slow down at lhis time.

Diagonal stripes appear in portions of the screen where brightness is at a preset level. This is useful as a guide when a_/iusting the brightness. When you change the def:mlt selling, [] is displayed. The zebra patlern is not recorded.


The zchra pattern is not displayed.


The zebra pattern appears at a screen brightness level of about 70 IRE.

Continued._ 47

Page 47
Image 47
Sony HDR-HC9 manual 0FF, Off