_gANERA SET mesh {Co_i_ed}


The white balance is ac[ju,4cd automatically.


The _ hit,-' balance is a??rol_riatcly ac{justed for the fi)llowing recoMing conditions:


Nighl views, neon signs and fireworks

Sunrise or sllnsel

Under daylighl fluorcscenl lamps


Tile white balance is appropriately

ac{justed for the Rfllowing recoMing conditkms:


AI party scenes or sllldios where the lighling conditions change quickly

Under video lanlps in a studio, or under sodium lanlps or incandescenl-like color lamps


Tile _bitc balance will bc ac!justed according to the ambient light.

(_) Touch [ONE PUSH].

@Frame a white object such as a piece of p iper, to fill the screen under the same

lighting conditions as you will shoot the subject.

@Touch I_I_].

Ixmziflashes quickly. When the _ hite

b dance has been acliusted and stored ill the memory, the indicator stops flashing.


Set [WHITE BAL.] to [AUTO[ or adjust tile color in [ONE PUSHI under white or cool white fluorcscelll ]anlps.

When you select [ONE PUSHI, keep flaming wllile ohjects while LxmZlis flaslling quickly.

txIz:l flashes slowly if [ONE PUSHI could not be sel.

When [ONE PUSHI was selected, if txmz_keeps

flashing after toucbmg [_, set [WHITE BAL. I to [AUTOI.

If you sel [WHITE BAL. I, [SCENE SELECTI ivmrns to [AUTO].

"_° Tips

It you have cllmlged the battc]y pack while [AUTO] was _lecled, or laken your camcoMer outdoors after inside use (or vice vcrsah selecl

[AUTOI and aim your camcorder at a nearby while object lot aboul 10 seconds lor betler color balance adjustment.

Whml the white balance has been _1 wilh [ONE PUSHI, if you change the [SCENE SELECTI settings, or bring your camcorder ouldoors ftonl inside the hou_, or vice versa, you need to rcdo the [ONE PUSH] procedure to readjust the while balance.

You can adjust the sharpness of the image

outline with _]/[_.[t] appears when

the sharpness is anything other than the default setting.




You can manually adjust and fix the shutter

speed lk_r your convenience. Depending on the shutter speed, you can make the subject

look still, or emphasize movement of the subject.


Select to adjust the shutter s?ecd automatically.


Adjusl Ihe slmlter speed using [_/


You can select a shutter speed between 1/4 and 1110000 second when the POWER

switch is set to CAMERA-TAPE, and between 114 and 115110second when the POWER switch is set to CAMERA-


[] ......... 125,180,250......... []



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Sony HDR-HC9 manual 125,180,250 SlowerFaster, Tips