Display window

Display during playback and stop

Operating mode indicator

Displays the following, depending on the current operation mode

: stop

: playback

: review (fast backward)/ cue (fast forward)

: backward/forward continuously

Folder indicator

: Folder for messages recorded using the IC recorder.

: Folder for messages/music copyed from a computer, which can only be played back.

Elapsed time/Remaining time/ Recorded date and time indication

Folder name/Message title/Artist name/File name indication

Battery indicator

When rechargeable batteries or dry- cell batteries are used, the indicator shows the remaining battery power. While the rechargeable batteries are charging, an animation appears.

Message number

The selected message number is displayed in the numerator and the total number of messages in the folder is displayed in the denominator.

Priority marks

Appear(s) when a message is set with priority mark(s).

Bookmark indicator

Appears when a bookmark is set for a message.

Alarm indicator

Appears when the alarm is set for a message.
