modelname1[MVC-CD2 00/CD300]
Warning and notice messages Variousmessages appear on the LC D screen. Check the corresponding descriptions
inthe following list.
Message Meaning
LENSCAP ATTACHED Thelens cap is attached.
COVEROPEN Thedisc cover is op ened.
NODISC Nodisc is inserted.
DRIVEERROR Thereis trouble with the disc drive or the
DISCERROR Anunusa ble disc is inserted or there is
troublewith the disc.
DEWERROR Amoistur e condensation has occurred
insidethe camera.
DISCPROTECT Thedisc was protected with a computer.
DIRECTORYERROR Thesame directory exists.
NOTENOUGH DISC SPACE Theremaining capacity of the disc is not
enoughto operate other than executing
NOTINITIALIZED Sincethe dischas not be en initialized,
thecam era cannot record any image on
ALREADYINITIALIZED Itis not necessary to execute the
initialization,the disc was initialized.
ALREADYFINALIZED I t is not necessary to execute the
finalization,the disc was finalized.
NOFILE No image is recorded on t he disc.
FILEERROR Trouble has occurred during playback.
IMAGESIZE OVER Youtried to play back images with an
imagesize larger than the maximum
playbacksize of this camera.
INVALIDOPERATION Youtry to play back the image recorded
withothe r equipment.
FILEPROTECT The image is prot ected.
ONLY Thebattery is not th e “InfoLITHIUM”
NOTENOUGH BATTERY Thebattery level is too low to executethe
initializationor finalization.
01cov.book Page 100 Thursday, March8, 2 001 4:59 PM