Viewing images using a computer
Youcan view datarecorded with your camera on a computer.This section describes
thegeneral method for viewing images on a computer and installing the driverinto a
computer.Be sure to a lso see the operation manuals for your computer and
applicationsoftware. Toview images on the CD-RW usinga CD-ROM drive or CD-
Rdrive, the drive must conform to the MultiRead typ e.W hether your drive conforms
tothe MultiRead type or not, consult the drive manufacturer.

<<Recommended Windows environment>>

Youcan view images on a Windowscomputer in the following three ways, A,B,
andC. Check the computer environment below, then follow the procedures
describedon pages 37 to 42.

AViewing images with a CD-ROM drive (page 37)

Finalizethe disc beforehand (page 32).
OS:MicrosoftWindows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional
Theabove OS is required to be instal leda t the factory.
Operationis not assured in an environment upgraded to th e operating systems described

BViewing images with a computer connected with the USB

cable (page 38)

Thereare two ways to make the USB connection, which are the normal connection
andthe PTP connection (page 86). This is set using [USB CONNECT] in the setup
settings.However,any OS does not conform to [PTP] as of February 2001. Here
describesthe way using the [NORMAL] setting.
Youdo not need to finalize the disc. Youhave to install the USB driver and the
software,DirectCD included in the supplied CD-ROM. For details on DirectCD,
refer to the software operating instructions of Di rectCD.
OS:MicrosoftWindows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional
Theabove OS is required to be instal leda t the factory.
Operationis not assured in an environment upgraded to th e operating systems described
CPU:MMXPentium 200 MHz or faster
TheUSB connector mu st be provided as standard.
TheCD-ROM drive is required for installing the U SB driver. Page35 Thursday, March8, 2001 4:59PM