CViewingimages using a CD-R/CD-RW drive
Youdo not need to finalize the disc. Youhave to install DirectCD included in the
suppliedCD-ROM. For details on DirectCD, refer to the software operating
instructions of DirectCD.
Viewing images with a CD-ROM drive
Finalizethe disc beforehand (page 32).You have to installthe driver, Adaptec UDF
VolumeAccess included in the supplied CD-ROM (SPVD -006).
Viewing images
1Removet he disc.
Fordetails, refer to the software operating instructions of DirectCD.
2When using Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional:
When using other operating systems than above:
Simply,disconnect the USB cable.
Viewingimages on a Macintosh computer
1Startup your computer and allow the MacOS to load.
2Insert the supplied CD-ROM (SPVD-006) in the CD-ROM drive of
yourcomput er.
3Double-clickthe CD-ROM drive icon to open the window.
4Double-clickthe icon of the hard disk containing the OS to open
the window.
5Movethe driver, “Adaptec UDF Volume Access”from the window
opened in step 3to the “SystemFolder”folder in the window
opened in step 4(drag and drop).
6When “Put these items into the Extensions folder?”appears, click
7Restart your computer.
1Start up your computer and insert the disc into the CD-ROM drive
ofyour compu ter.
1Selectt he applicable drive from [ ]on the ta sk bar,then s top it.
2Afterthe message informing you that the drive has been removed safely
appears,disconnect the USB cable.
01cov.book Page41 Thursday, March8, 2001 4:59PM