•When[ISO] is set to [AUTO] in the menu settings (page 49), the recomm ended shooting
distanceis 0.3 to 2.5 m (11 7/8 inches to 8 1/3 feet) (MV C-CD200) or 0.3 to 3.0 m (11 7/8
inchesto 9 feet 10 1/8 inches) (MVC-CD300).When it is not set to [AUTO], the flashmay be
ineffectiveeven if the f lash level is changed.
•Attachinga conversion lens (option al)m ay block the light from the flash and the recorded
imagemay be eclipse d.
•Youcannot use the built-in flash and an external strobe (optional) at the same time.
•TheRED EYE REDUCTION function may not produc eth ede sired red-eye reduction effects
dependingon individual differences, the distanceto the subject , if the subject does not see the
pre-strobe,or other conditions .
•Red-eyereduction effects are also difficult to obta in if you select a slow shutter speed in shutter
speedpriority mode.
•Theflash effect is not obtained easily when you use for ced flash in a bright location.
•Whilecharging the flash, the /CHGlamp flashes. Afte r the charging is complete, the lamp
•Theflash does not function when recording m oving images or recording in EXP BRKTG or
BURSTmode (MVC-CD300 only) ( pages 59, 63).
TheAF illuminator is fill light to focus on a subject easily under dark conditions. Set[AFILLU MINATOR]to [ON] in th es etup settings, appears on the LCD screenandthe AF illuminator emits light when the shutter button is pressed halfway underdarksituations. It keeps emitting light until the focus is locked.Notes
•IfAF illuminator light does not r each the subject sufficiently or the subject has no contrast,
focuswill not be achieved. Approx imate 0.3 to 3.0 m (11 7/8 inches to 9 feet 10 1/8 inches)
distanceis recommen ded.
•InTWILIGHT mode of the SCENE SELECTION function (page 58),the AF illuminator will
emitonly when the fla sh mode is set to (Forcedfla sh).
•TheAF illuminator will not emit when the LANDSCAPE mode of theSCENE SELECTION
function(page 58) is selected or [CONVERSION LENS] is set to [ON] in the setup settings
(page85). ([CONVERSION LENS] is only for MVC-CD300.)
•Focusis achieved as long as AF illuminator light reache s the subject eveni fi ts light is slightly
outof the middle position of the subject.
•AFilluminator lightis safefor persons. However,do not use the AF illuminatorwith its light
emitteddirectly to pe rson eyes at point-blank range as its light is very strong.
Recordingimages with the AF illuminatorAF illuminator
01cov.book Page25 Thursday, March8, 2001 4:59PM