WALKMAN User Guide
Getting Started
How to Use the Software
“SensMe™ Channels”
FM Radio
Important Information
Contents list
Top page > Important Information > Precautions > Notice for users
Notice for users
The recorded song is limited to private use only. Use of the song beyond this limit requires permission of the copyright holders.
Sony is not responsible for incomplete recording/downloading or damaged data due to problems of the player or computer.
Depending on the type of the text and characters, the text shown on the player may not be displayed properly on device. This is due to:
The capacity of the connected player. The player is not functioning normally.
Content information is written in language or character that are not supported by the player. Heat may build up in the player while charging if it is used for an extended period of time. Note that condensation may form temporarily in cases such as when the player is moved quickly from a
If condensation forms in the player, leave it turned off until the condensation disappears. If you use the player with condensation present, a malfunction may result.
If you use the player in a cold location, images may appear with black bands around them. This is not a malfunction of the player.
About sample data (*1)
The player is pre-installed with sample data.
If you delete the sample data, you cannot restore it, and we will not supply any replacement data. (*1) In some countries/regions some sample data is not installed.
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