Class of Service
Your level of access to certain fea- tures. Your company’s phone system may assign a different class of ser- vice to particular extensions, to restrict access to certain features. See also Tenant Group.
Flash Key
A key on your telephone marked with a lightening bolt. If you do not have a flash key to press, you can get the same effect by pressing and releasing the hookswitch. Doing this is known as a hookflash.
The act of pressing and releasing the hookswitch.
The lever the handset presses down on when it is in the cradle. See Off- hook.
Hunt Group
A group of extensions with a com- mon access number, organized in such a way that calls “hunt” from extension to extension to find a free line. See also UCD.
An intercom call is a call between extensions of your company’s phone system.
When you lift the handset you are “going
When the phone handset is resting in the cradle. See
Outside Line
See Trunk.
Service Mode
The way calls are handled depending on the time of day. For example, your company’s phone system may be configured so that in Day Service Mode all incoming calls are routed through the attendant. In Night Service Mode, incoming calls may be broadcast over a loud bell for anyone to answer.
Another word for extension.
System Administrator
The person responsible for your company’s telephones. It may be an outside business, or a person or department at your company. Essentially, whoever you go to to report problems with your phone or to request changes in your telephone service.
Protegé® User Guide - single line telephone | 43 |