For timing adjustment, the following alighment marks areprovided:
D type: | D markatlowerleftcrankcase | (see Fig. |
| M mark and slit on flywheel circumference | |
B type: | B mark atupperleftcrankcase |
| M mark and slit on flywheel circumference. |
Fig. | Fig. |
For timing adjustment, the following proceduresusing a timing light: (SeeFig-
Disconnect the stop button lead wires and the coil primary wire. Remove blower housing from engine.
Connect one of the timing light leads to the coil primary wire and ground the other lead to crankcase. (seeFig.
Turn flywheel slowly
If thetimingmark linesare not in
When engine does not start or starts with difficulty or when its operation is unstable, observe following tests to see if such a defect is caused by a defect in magneto.
1)Check ignition coil for looseness, corrosion, breakage, or abrasion.
2 ) | Check sparking referring to “CHECKING THE IGNITION SPARK”, given below. | |
3) | Check if breakerpointsrequirecleaningoradjustment. | If theyarecontaminated,corroded,orpitted,replacethem. |
| (Condenser may have to be replaced in this case) See“BREAKER POINT ADJUSTMENT”. |
4)If no spark takes place, replace ignition coil.