The Get, Set, and List Commands

invokemultimode from within a multimodesession; once you exit the second multimode environment, you return to your original multimode environment.

The Get, Set, and List Commands

The asadmin get, set and list commands work in tandem to provide a navigation mechanism for the Application Server's abstract hierarchy. There are two hierarchies: configuration and monitoring and these commands operate on both. The list command provides the fully qualified dotted names of the management components that have read-only or modifiable attributes.

The configurationhierarchy provides attributes that are modifiable; whereas the attributes of management components from monitoring hierarchy are purely read-only. The configuration hierarchy is loosely based on the domain's schema document; whereas the monitoringhierarchy is a little different.

Use the list command to reach a particular management component in the desired hierarchy. Then, invoke the getand set commands to get the names and values or set the values of the attributes of the management component at hand. Use the wildcard (*) option to fetch all matches in a given fully qualified dotted name. See the examples for further clarification of the possible navigation of the hierarchies and management components.

An application server dotted name uses the “.” (period) as a delimiter to separate the parts of a complete name. This is similar to how the “/” character is used to delimit the levels in the absolute path name of a file in the UNIX file system. The following rules apply while forming the dotted names accepted by the get, set, and list commands. Note that a specific command has some additional semantics applied.

A . (period) always separates two sequential parts of the name.

A part of the name usually identifies an application server subsystem and/or its specific instance. For example: web-container, log-service, thread-pool-1, etc.

If any part of the name itself contains a . (period), then it must be escaped with a leading \(backslash) so that the “.” does not act like a delimiter.

An * (asterisk) can be used anywhere in the dotted name and it acts like the wildcard character in regular expressions. Additionally, an * can collapse all the parts of the dotted name. Long dotted name like "<classname> </classname>" can be abbreviated to "<classname>th*.hierarchy</classname>."But note that the . always delimits the parts of the name.

The top level switch for any dotted name is --monitor or -m that is separately specified on a given command line. The presence or lack of this switch implies the selection of one of the two hierarchies for application server management: monitoring and configuration.

If you happen to know the exact complete dotted name without any wildcard character, then list and get/set have a little difference in their semantics:


Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 2008

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Sun Microsystems 820433510 manual Get, Set, and List Commands