TABLE18–2 EJBMethodStatistics
AttributeName DataType Description
methodstatistic TimeStatistic Numberof times an operation is
called;the total time that is spent
duringthe invocation, and so on.
totalnumerrors CountStatistic Numberof times the method
executionresulted in an exception.
Thisis collected for stateless and
statefulsession beans and entity
beansif monitoring is enabled for
theEJB container.
totalnumsuccess CountStatistic Numberof times the method
successfullyexecuted. This is
collectedfor stateless and stateful
sessionbeans and entity beans if
monitoringenabled is true for EJB
executiontime CountStatistic Time(ms) spent executing the
methodfor the last
successful/unsuccessfulattempt to
executethe operation. This is
collectedfor stateless and stateful
sessionbeans and entity beans if
monitoringis enabled on the EJB
Thestatistics for EJB Session Stores are listed in the following table.
TABLE18–3 EJBSession Store Statistics
AttributeName DataType Description
currentSize RangeStatistic Numberof passivated or
checkpointedsessions currently in
activationCount CountStatistic Numberof sessions activated from
activationSuccessCount CountStatistic Numberof sessions successfully
activatedfrom the store
Chapter18 • Monitoring Components and Ser vices 177