30 | E n g l i s h |
X I . M a i n t e n a n c e
1. Axles & Axle Sleeves
Check axles and axle sleeves every six months to make sure they are tight. Loose sleeves will damage the camber tube and will affect performance.
2. Tire Air Pressure
Check air pressure in pneumatic tires at least ONCE A WEEK. The wheel locks will not grip properly if you fail to maintain the air pressure shown on tire sidewall.
3. Wheel Locks
Inspect the wheel locks and their frame attachment brackets weekly, ensuring that all fasteners are tight and the wheel lock arms embed in tires at least 1/8 inch when locked.
4. Armrests
Inspect the armrest attachment brackets and the armrest at least every 6 months ensuring that all fasteners are tight and no parts have moved from their preset position.
5. Camber Tubes and Camber Plugs
Inspect the camber tubes and plugs every 6 months ensuring that all fasteners are tight and no parts have moved from their preset position.
6. Wheelchair Frame
Inspect the wheelchair frame for cracks, dings and dents every 6 months, more frequently if used more aggressively.
7. Upholstery
Inspect the upholstery fabric for wear and tear every 3 months. Sling fabric will weaken with age and use. Look for fraying or thin spots, or stretching of fabrics at rivet holes.
1.Paint Finish
a.Clean the painted surfaces with mild soap at least once a month.
b.Protect the paint with a coat of
2.Axles and Moving Parts
a.Clean around axles and moving parts WEEKLY with a slightly damp (not wet) cloth.
b.Wipe off or blow away any fluff, dust, or dirt on axles or moving parts.
NOTE– You do not need to grease or oil the chair.
1.Store your chair in a clean, dry area. If you fail to do so, parts may rust or corrode.
2.Before using your chair, make sure it is in proper working order. Inspect and service all items on the “Maintenance Chart” (Section B).
3.If stored for more than three months, have your chair inspected by an authorized supplier before use.
050105 Rev. C