server connection, setting, 85

server connection, updating password, 87 starting M-Business Client, 84 synchronizing by infrared port, 115 synchronizing remotely, 114 synchronizing via modem, 114

system requirements, 5

system requirements, desktop computer, 5 system requirements, device, 6 uninstalling from desktop computer, 33 uninstalling from device, 33

using M-Business Client, 93 working offline, 118 working with text, 104

M-Business Client on Symbian OS basics, 260

billable warning option, 263 browsing online, 277

channel lists, collapsing and expanding, 260 channels, temporarily clearing contents, 261 channels, viewing, 260

connecting remotely, 276 email integration, 274 finding content, 266 forms, 269

Forms Manager, using, 270 forms, displaying response, 270 forms, submitting while offline, 269 forms, submitting while online, 272 full screen option, 262

home page on device, 260

installing on desktop computer with existing account, 26

installing on desktop computer with self- registration, 19

M-Business Connect conduit, disabling, 258 maximum memory, setting, 279 navigating, 262

navigating between pages, 262 navigating within page, 262 on-device help, 281

online cache, deleting page, 279 online cache, managing, 279 opening M-Business Client, 250

opening M-Business Connect on device, 250 opening Server Options in place of M-Business Connect on device, 250

options, setting, 262

page, opening, 277 page, reloading, 277 phoneto integration, 275 preferences, setting, 262

proxy server, adding connection, 255 searching content, 266

secure digital (SD) card, using with existing server connection, 253

secure digital (SD) card, using with new server connection, 251

selecting server, 265

server connection, configuring, 251 server connection, disabling, 258

server connection, disabling and removing, 258 server connection, existing, 253

server connection, proxy server, 255 server connection, re-enabling, 258 server connection, refreshing, 253 server connection, removing, 258 server connection, secure, 257 server connection, setting, 251

server connection, updating password, 254 starting M-Business Client, 250 synchronizing remotely, 276

system requirements, 12

system requirements, desktop computer, 12 system requirements, device, 12

system requirements, Nokia PC Suite, 12 uninstalling, 36

uninstalling from desktop computer, 33 using M-Business Client, 259 working with text, 268

M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 (see also M-Business Client)

(see also M-Business Client on all devices) basics, 220

browsing online, 241

channel lists, collapsing and expanding, 221 channels, temporarily clearing contents, 221 channels, viewing, 220

connecting by modem, 239 connecting remotely, 239 copying and pasting content, 230 cutting and pasting content, 230 drag-scrolling, 223

email integration, 237 finding content, 228 forms, 232

Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.


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