DVD / VCD Disc Menu
(menu operation and navigation)
ADVDmaycontainaDiscMenuwithselectionfacili ties forindividual titlesand/or chapters.Dependingonthe DVD,thediscmayalsocontaingames,bonusmateria lor alternativesforcameraangle,synchronouslanguage sor
subtitles, which can be set or called up via the D isc Menu.
The contents, appearance and behaviour of the Disc Menuaredictatedandcontrolledbythediscitself .Ifyou encounter problems in connection with the Disc Menu , pleasecontactthemanufacturerorretailerofthe disc.
Calling up and operating the DISC Menu
The Disc Menu can be called up at any time during playback,inordertomakeadjustments.
•Toenterthediscmenu,brieflypressthe button onthefrontpanelorthe buttonoftheremote control.
IftheDVDcontainsaSelectmenu,thisnowappears on the TV screen. The integral screen displays the message 'INFO'.
•Selectamenuitembynavigatingwiththecursork eys (, , , ) or by entering a number (if numbersaregiveninthemenu).
•Toselectorexecuteamenuitem,press button [ENTER].
•Toclosethediscmenupressthe buttononthe frontpanelorthe buttonoftheremotecontrol.
Opening and closing the menu
using the F1 remote control handset
Presstheblue rockertocalluptheDiscMenu.
Presstheblue rockeragaintoleavethemenu.
Manual CURSOR control
The CURSORbuttonsontheremotecontrolhandset
are used with the DVD 1235 R both to control the functions of the mechanism (skip back, skip forward , search) and also to navigate within menus. The DVD 1235 R detects automatically whether you are operating the disc mechanism or finding your way throughamenu.
AfewDVDs,mostlyolderandquiterareexamples,gi | ve | |
themachinenoclueswhetheramenuiscurrentlyop | en, | |
i.e.theydonotpassrelevantinformationtothe | player. | |
With these discs the screen display | 'INFO' does not | |
appearwhenamenuis open, and itis notpossible | to | |
navigatewithinthemenu.Insuchcasesthe | DVD 1235 R | |
canbeswitchedto 'Cursor Navigation'mode. |
Switching to CURSOR control
Hold the button pressed in until the message
'CURSOR' appears on the integral screen. Now even problematicmenuscanbeoperated.
Switching off CURSOR control |
| |
To revert to normal operation hold the | button | ||
pressed in again until the | 'CURSOR' message on the | ||
screendisappears. |
Note: |
In Cursor mode the buttons of the control button bl | ock | ||
carryoutmenucontrolfunctionsexclusively. |
| |
For normal control of the disc mechanism you must thereforefirstleaveCursormode.