Menu Preferences

Menu Picture

ThemenuPictureletsyouadjustthepictureparame ters toyourpersonalpreferences.

Color Settings (willnotinfluencetheYUVComponentvideooutput)

Inthismenuyouhavethechoicebetweendifferent pre defined color settings or one adjustable setting (personal).

Brightness / Contrast / Sharpness / Saturation (willnotinfluencetheYUVComponentvideooutput)

Usethesesubmenustoadjustallpictureparameters to your personal taste. These adjustments will only influence the display monitor if the “personal” col or settingisselectedinthemenuabove.

Video Shift

The video shift function can be used to change the horizontalpositionofthepictureandtocenterth epicture onthescreen.

Menu Advanced Picture (for YUV-video-output only) (only P-Scan option)

True Life(forprogressivescanoutputonly)

Generates a more dynamic picture by increasing the contrastandsaturationofthepicture.


DCDicomputestheangleofcertainpicturecontours to interpolate additional video pixels. 'On' increases dramatically the picture quality, especially during slow motion.


This submenu offers a nonlinear processing of the pictureintensity.Settingthesliderintheright handinput boxtoapositivevaluewillenhancefinedetailsi ndark scenes whereas a negative value will increase the contrastofthepicture.

Chroma Delay

Ifthechroma(colour)andluma(brightness)signal sare notperfectlyaligned(duetophasedelaysinthes ignal transmission),thechromadelaysettingcanbeused to eliminate misalignments. Adjust this value to obtai n a perfectclearandsharppicture.

4:3 Aspect(forprogressivescanoutputonly)

Use this submenu to adjust the aspect ratio to the geometryofyourvideomonitor.

4:3 LB (letterbox)usethissettingfor4:3materialon


NL-Stretch (non linear stretching) for display of 4:3 pictures on a 16:9 screen with non linear stretching. Theoutermostpartsofthepicture are progressively stretched, central parts of thepicturearenotaltered.Thisfeaturegivesa fullscreenpictureformatwithoutblackstripes andwarpinginthecentralpartsofthescreen.

Auto noadjustmentoftheaspectratio.Thepicture isdisplayedexactlyintheformatstoredonthe disc.


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T+A Elektroakustik 1235 R user manual Menu Preferences, Menu Picture, Gamma, Chroma Delay