Post installation setup
Once the TMS Exchange Integration component is installed on the Exchange server, three important steps need to be done in order to make the installation complete.
1.Publish the provided Videoconference form.
2.Create Exchange User representations for each system registered in TMS
3.Start Synchronizer to import existing TMS booking entries for videoconference systems
Publish the provided Videoconference Form
A custom appointment form that adds support for videoconference meetings is provided as part of the release from TANDBERG. It is recommended to place this form under Organizational Forms Library in order to be made available for all the Exchange
Creating Organization Forms Library
Be sure you are logged in with full Exchange administrator rights. Go to ‘Ad- ministrative Groups’ and then select the group containing the Exchange Server on which you just installed the Exchange Integration component. Normally this would be ‘Administrative Groups/First Administrative Group’.
Select ‘Folders’ followed by ‘Public Folder’.
‘Folders’ may reside on root level if the Exchange System Manger is not configured to show administrative groups.
While viewing the System Folders,
A property page for the new Organizational Form library will be displayed. Fill in a suitable name and (optional) description of the Organizational Forms Library. Choose ‘English (USA) as