28 Models H71 & H84Operating Procedures
PrimingNote: Evaluate the condition of LED’s (lights) and
screen messages before performing priming
procedures. If all 4 LED’s are flashing, the unit is
Step 1
Witha m ix pail beneath the door spout, open the dr aw
valve. Pour two gallons (7.6 liters) of FRESH mix into
the mix hopper and allow it to flow into the freezing
cylinder. This will force out any remaining sanitizing
solution. When full strength mix is flowing from the
dispensing spout, close the draw valve.
Figure 23
Step 2
When mix stops bubbling down into the freezing
cylinder,install t he assembled air tubes in the mix inlet
Figure 24
The pin on the inner air tube should be turned and
positioned at the bottom of the notch in the outer air
tube.T his will align the holes in the air tubes and allow
mix and air to enter the freezing cylinder.
Figure 25
Step 3
Press the AUTO key. When theunit cycles off, the
product will be ready to serve.
Figure 26
Step 4
Fill the hopper with FRESH mix and place the mix
hopper cover in position.
Figure 27