NAT Commands
inside_addr The inside (typically private) IP address.
>Inbound: Represents the address(es) to be used as destination
address after translation.
>Outbound: This map will only apply if the source IP address is
part of the inside address(es).
Allowed values are:
>An IP address (A.B.C.D or A.D, meaning A.0.0.D).
>A range of IP addresses (A.B.C.[D-E]) (only for NAT).
>An IP subnet (A.B.C.D/M (only for NAT)).
The default is ““ (unmapped).
Note If specified, the number of inside addresses must be equal
to the number of outside addresses.
for NAT maps
and NAPT
for port-
access_list The range of inside addresses to which the mapping is restricted.
This parameter is used for outbound traffic only. Represents the list
of inside IP addresses (LAN devices) allowed to make use of this
Allowed values are:
>An IP address (A.B.C.D or A.D, meaning A.0.0.D).
>A range of IP addresses (A.B.C.[D-E]).
>An IP subnet (A.B.C.D/M).
>* (all addresses).
The default is the inside_addr.
foreign_addr The range of destination addresses to which the mapping is
This parameter is used as filter for inbound/outbound traffic.
>Inbound: This map only applies if the source IP address is part
of the foreign address(es).
>Outbound: This map only applies if the destination IP address is
part of the foreign address(es).
Allowed values are:
>An IP address (A.B.C.D or A.D, meaning A.0.0.D).
>A range of IP addresses (A.B.C.[D-E]).
>An IP subnet (A.B.C.D/M).
>* (all addresses).
The default is * (meaning all addresses).
protocol The IP protocol to be used as filter for inbound/outbound traffic. The
NAT map only applies if the protocol of the IP packet matches the
map protocol.
Select an IP protocol (see “ Supported IP Protocols” on page 746) or,
alternatively, type the protocol number.
The default is 0 (meaning any protocol).