User Commands

user rights

Display the session rights.
iThe user rights of the currently logged-in user are shown.

user rights

{Administrator}=>user rights
Current session info:
user: name='Administrator', role='Administrator'
access: lan (origin_lan), telnet (channel_telnet), unsecure (unsecure_connection)
service(s): r_lan, r_wan, r_fs_view, r_fs_retrieve, r_rtg, r_fwdg, r_nat, r_frwl,
r_ipsec_norm, r_ipsec_adv, r_certificates, r_remote_mgnt, r_local, r_qos,
w_lan, w_wan, w_fs_passive, w_rtg, w_fwdg, w_nat, w_frwl_norm, w_frwl_adv,
w_frwe_mgnt, w_ipsec, w_certificates, w_remote_mgnt, w_local, w_qos,
snd_lan, snd_wan, snd_local, and_lan, and_wan, and_frwl, and_local,
user_admin, mlp_admin, secure_ipsec_term, secure_br, cli, cgi, ftp, mdap,
zone_45, zone_46, zone_47, zone_48, zone_49, zone_50, zone_51, zone_52,
zone_53, zone_54, zone_55, zone_56, zone_57, zone_58, zone_59, zone_60,
zone_61, zone_62, swk_activation, sensitve_file, zone_71, zone_72, zone_73,
zone_74, zone_75, zone_76, zone_77, zone_78, zone_79, zone_83, zone_84,
zone_85, zone_86, zone_87, zone_88, zone_89, zone_90, zone_91, zone_92,