Record a common greeting message before using the unit as an answering device and facsimile.
The greeting message tells a caller that you are unable to answer, and allows them to leave a voice message or send a fax message.
The recording time is limited to 16 seconds. Record the greeting message within 12 seconds for optimum performance.
1 | Open the station key panel. |
| |
2 | Press (SELECT). |
| |
| ||
| |
3 |
Press (REC). |
| ||
¡A long beep will sound. |
| ||
4 | After the long beep, speak clearly 20 cm |
| |
(8 inches) away from microphone. |
| ||
| ¡The display will show the elapsed recording | ||
| time. |
| |
| ANS REC. | 02s |
5 |
When finished, press (STOP). |
| ||
¡The unit will repeat your message for |
¡Adjust the volume to a suitable level by pressing (VOLUME).
(VOLUME) | Station key |
| panel |
(REC) Microphone (STOP) (SELECT)
¡If you make a mistake while recording, repeat from step 2.
“This is (your name, business and/or telephone number). We are unable to answer right now. To send a fax, start transmission. To leave a message, speak (or ‘speak up to 1 minute’) after the long beep. Thank you.”
To check your greeting message1.Press (SELECT).
2.Press (CHECK).
1.Press (SELECT).
2.Press (REC).
3.Press (STOP) immediately after the long beep.