Product Description
2P7240 4 GHz 5XAct ive Probe UserManual
When the probe is connected, the oscilloscope reads EEPROM
information from the probe, identifying the device and allowing the
appropriate power supplies to be powered on. The preamp input son
the oscilloscopeare electrostatic discharge protected byremaining
grounded until a valid TekConnect device is detecte d.
InstallationThe TekConnect interface features a spring-loaded latch that
providesaudible and tactile confirmation that a reliable connection
has been madeto the oscilloscope. Slide the probe into the
TekConnect receptacle on the oscilloscope. The probe snapsinto the
oscilloscopewhen fully engaged. See Figure 2.
Torelease the probe from the oscilloscope, graspthe compensation
box, depress the latch button, and pull out the probe .
Figure 2: Connecting and disconnecting the probe