P7240 4 GHz 5XAct ive Probe UserManual 13
Functional CheckA functional check may be performed using the PROBE COM-
PENSATIONconnections on the front panel of the oscilloscope. See
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Probe functional check connections
1. Connect the probeto a TekConnect receptacle on the oscillo-
2. Set the oscilloscopeto display the appropriate probechannel.
3. Using a ground lead and SMT KlipChip, connect the probe
ground to the outer ring of the PROBE COMPENSATION
connector on the oscilloscope.
4. Using a standard tip, hold the probe to the center c onductor of the
PROBECOMPENSATIONBNC connector on the oscilloscope.
5. Press AUTOSET, or adjustthe oscilloscope to display a stable
calibration waveform.(You may need to adjust the probeoffset to
display the waveform.)