P7240 4 GHz 5XAct ive Probe UserManual 15
ConfigurationThe P7240 provides the oscilloscope withthe probe model number,
serial number,and attenuation factor. When connected to an
oscilloscopewith a TekConnect interface, displayreadouts are
corrected for the probe attenuation factor, the instrument input is set
to 50 Ω,and the c oupling is set to DC. The probe offset control is
controlled bythe oscilloscope.
Probe Offset
The probe offsetis adjustable to permit operation withinthe linear
range of the probe. Using the offset to cancel DC signal components
enables optimalprobe performance. See Figure 4 on page16 for
more information.
NOTE. See your oscilloscopemanual for specific instructions on its
operation and offset control.
To set the probe offset, follow these steps:
1. Ground the input of the probe.
2. Use the verticalposition control to set a zero reference level on
the oscilloscopedisplay.
3. Set the oscilloscopeto 1 V/div.
4. Attach the probeto the circuit.
5. Adjustthe probe offset to bring the trace to the oscilloscopezero
6. Change the volts/divisionsetting to the desired range, adjusting
the offset to keep the trace on the zero reference level.