Operation 3000ZA-3X
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 28
4.2 Using the Data Entry and Function Buttons
4.2.1 Style Conventions
The following typeface conventions are used when referring to
screen names, key presses and screen readout:
Screens: Arial 12 pt. type in capital letters.
Example: ANALYZE or MAIN
screen or menu.
Key presses: <key> The particular keystroke to
enter is placed between < and >.
Example: <ENTER> or
<ESCAPE> or <UP> or
Only when the keystroke is to be
entered will it be placed between
the brackets. If discussing a
particular key it will be typed
using all caps. Example: this is the
ENTER key.
Screen Modes: Times New Roman 12 pt. italic.
Example: Analysis Mode or Setup
Screen Readout: Arial Narrow, 12 pt bold.
Example: AUTOCAL or Zero in 12
4.2.2 Keys Description
Note: All menus time out after 45 seconds elapse with no button
presses, the analyzer returns to the ANALYSIS SCREEN,
if parameters have been altered but not saved (with the
ENTER key), the alterations are lost.
Navigation and Data Entry is possible using the UP and DOWN
KEYS, the ENTER key, the ESCAPE key and the 7 special function