9-16 Statistics
QUADREG (quadratic regression, STAT CALC, item 4) fits the
data to the second-order polynomial y=ax2+bx+c. It displays
a, b, and c. For three data points the equation is a polynomial
fit; for four or more, it is a polynomial regression. At least
three data points are required.
QUADREG Xlistname,Ylistname
QUADREG Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlistname
LINREG (a+bX) (linear regression, STAT CALC, item 5) fits
the data to the model equation y=a+bx using a least-squares fit
and x and y. It displays a, b, and r (correlation coefficient).
LINREG (a+bX) Xlistname,Ylistname
LINREG (a+bX) Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlistname
LNREG (logarithmic regression, STAT CALC, item 6) fits the
data to the model equation y=a+b ln(x) using a least-squares
fit and transformed values LN(x) and y. It displays a, b, and r
(correlation coefficient).
LNREG Xlistname,Ylistname
LNREG Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlistname
EXPREG (exponential regression, STAT CALC, item 7) fits the
data to the model equation y=abx using a least-squares fit and
transformed values x and LN(y). It displays a, b, and r
(correlation coefficient).
EXPREG Xlistname,Ylistname
EXPREG Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlistname
PWRREG (power regression, STAT CALC, item 8) fits the data
to the model equation y=axb using a least-squares fit and
transformed values LN(x) and LN(y). It displays a, b, and r
(correlation coefficient).
PWRREG Xlistname,Ylistname
PWRREG Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlistname
Note: Calculations for v, GX, GXñ, SX, sX, w, GY, GYñ, SY, sY,
and GXY are calculated using transformed values for LNREG,