Service and Warranty Information B-11
When the TI.80 detects an error, it displays ERR:
and the error menu.
The general procedure for correcting errors is described on
page 1.22. The error messages, their possible causes, and suggestions for
correction are shown below.
ARGUMENT A function or instruction does not have the correct number of
arguments. See Appendix A and the appropriate chapter.
BREAK You have pressed the ´ key to break execution of a program,
halt a Draw instruction, or stop evaluation of an expression.
DATA TYPE You have entered a value or variable that is the wrong data
¦A function (including implied multiplication) or an
instruction has an argument that is an invalid data type; for
example, a list where a real number is required. See
Appendix A and the appropriate chapter.
¦You are attempting to store to an incorrect data type; for
example, a list to a real variable.
¦In function graphing or parametric graphing, you have
generated a list result rather than a single value; for
example, attempting to graph Yã={1,2,3}×X.
DIM MISMATCH You are attempting to perform an operation that uses more
than one list, but the dimensions do not match.
DOMAIN Typically, this occurs when the value of an argument does not
fall within a specified range.
¦You are attempting to divide by zero.
¦You are attempting a logarithmic or power regression with
a LX or an exponential or power regression with
a LY.
¦A zero value for ε for NDERIV( will result in this error.
This error does not occur during graphing because the
TI-80 allows for undefined values on a graph.
Error Conditions