Function Graphing 4-7
You can the calculate the value of a Y= function at a specified value of X.
To display the Y= list, press (. Enter these functions for Y1,
Y2, and Y3: X2, X+2, and Y1(Y2(X)).
@ a ¸
@ « 2 ¸
2 G 1 c 2 G 2
c @ d d
To evaluate the functions, first specify the value of X. Note
that X may be a list.
2 . M 2 G 2 c 3 d
2 G 1 c 2 G 2 c 3 d d
2 G 3 c 2 [ 1 , 2 , 3 2 \ d
You can also evaluate functions without using parentheses by
storing a value to X.
3 § @ ¸
2 G 1 ¸
Evaluating Y= Functions in ExpressionsEntering the
Functions in the
Y= List