Introduction v
Getting Started: Roots of a Function................. 6-2
Defining the Independent Variable .................. 6-3
Defining the Dependent Variable.................... 6-4
Displaying the Table............................... 6-5
Getting Started: Shading a Graph.................... 7-2
DRAW DRAW Menu............................... 7-3
Drawing Lines.................................... 7-4
Drawing Horizontal and Vertical Lines............... 7-5
Drawing a Function ............................... 7-6
Shading Areas on a Graph.......................... 7-7
Drawing Points ................................... 7-10
Clearing a Drawing................................ 7-12
Getting Started: Generating a Sequence.............. 8-2
About Lists....................................... 8-3
LIST OPS Operations.............................. 8-6
LIST MATH Operations ............................ 8-9
Getting Started: Building Height and City Size......... 9-2
Setting Up a Statistical Analysis..................... 9-8
The STAT List Editor.............................. 9-9
Viewing, Entering, and Editing Lists ................. 9-10
Sorting and Clearing Lists.......................... 9-13
Statistical Analysis................................ 9-14
Types of Statistical Analysis........................ 9-15
Statistical Variables ............................... 9-17
Statistical Plotting ................................ 9-18
Statistical Analysis in a Program .................... 9-22
Statistical Plotting in a Program..................... 9-23
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Draw Operations
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: