A-26 Tables and Reference Information
The variables listed below are used by the TI-80 in various ways. Some have
restrictions on their use.
The variables A through Z and q can hold only numbers—
either decimals or fractions. You may store to these variables.
The TI-80 can update X, Y, and T during graphing; therefore,
you may wish to reserve those variables for graphing
The variables Lã through L6 are defined as lists. You cannot
store another type of data to them.
You can store any string of characters, functions, instructions,
or variable names to the functions Yn (in FUNC mode) and
Xnî and Ynî (in PARAM mode), by using either § or the
Y= editor. The validity of the string is determined when the
function is evaluated.
The values of the Window variables
@X, TSTEP, etc.
must be real numbers. You may store to
them. Since the TI-80 can update some of them, as the result
of a Zoom instruction, for example, you may wish to reserve
these variables for graphing activities.
The statistical result variablesn, v, MINX, GX, a, r, REGEQ,
X1, Y1, Q1, MED, Q3, etc.
are reserved for use by the TI-80.
You cannot store to them.
TI-80 Variables
User Variables