Programming 10-7
PRGM CTL (program control) instructions are accessed only from within the
program editor. They direct the flow within an executing program, making it easy
to repeat or skip commands during program execution. While the program editor
is displayed, press K. The selected menu item is copied to the cursor
1:IF Creates a conditional test.
2:THEN Used with IF.
3:ELSE Used with IF-THEN.
4:FOR( Creates incrementing loop.
5:END Signifies end of loop, IF-THEN, or ELSE.
6:PAUSE Pauses program execution.
7:LBL Defines a label.
8:GOTO Goes to a label.
9:PRGM_ Executes a program as a subroutine.
0:RETURN Returns from a subroutine.
A:STOP Stops program execution.
Program control instructions tell the TI-80 which command to
execute next in a program. IF checks a condition that you
define to determine what command to execute next. The
condition frequently uses relational tests (Chapter 2), such as
IF A<7:A+1!A.
IF (PRGM CTL, item 1) is used for testing and branching. If the
condition is false (zero), the command immediately following
IF is skipped. If the condition is true (nonzero), that command
is executed. IF instructions can be nested.
:IF condition
:command if true
PRGM CTL (Control) Instructions
Program Flow