Function Graphing 4-15
Pressing * displays a menu that allows you to adjust the viewing window of
the graph quickly in a variety of ways. All of the Zoom instructions are
accessible from programs.
1:ZBOX Draws box to define viewing window.
2:ZOOM IN Magnifies graph around cursor.
3:ZOOM OUT Views more of graph around cursor.
4:ZDECIMAL Sets .1 as dot size.
5:ZSQUARE Sets equal sized-dots on X and Y axes.
6:ZSTANDARD Sets standard Window variables.
7:ZTRIG Sets built-in trig Window variables.
ZBOX lets you use the cursor to select opposite corners of a
box to define a new viewing window.
1. Select ZBOX from the ZOOM menu. The different cursor at
the center of the screen indicates that you are using a
Zoom instruction.
2. Move the cursor to any corner of the box you want to
define, and then press ¸. As you move the cursor
away from the point just selected, you see a small square
dot, indicating that the first corner is selected.
3. Move the cursor to the diagonal corner of the box you
want to define. As you move the cursor, the boundaries of
the box change on the screen.
Note: Before you press ¸, you
can cancel ZBOX at any time by
pressing M.
4. When the box is defined as you want it, press ¸ to
replot the graph.
You can repeat steps 2 through 4 to do another ZBOX.
Exploring a Graph with ZOOMZOOM