2-12 Math, Angle, and Test Operations
To display the MATH PRB menu, press I 6. When you select a menu item,
the name is copied to the cursor location. Functions that are valid for lists return
a list calculated on an element-by-element basis.
1:RAND Random number generator.
2:nPr Number of permutations.
3:nCr Number of combinations.
4:! Factorial.
5:RANDINT( Random integer generator.
RAND (random number, MATH PRB, item 1) generates and
returns a random number greater than 0 and less than 1 (as in
the first example below). A random number is generated from
a seed value. To control a random number sequence, first
store an integer seed value in RAND. In the second example
below, 1 is stored to RAND so that the TI-80 uses 1 as the seed
value for generating random numbers.
Note: When you reset the TI-80, RAND is set to the factory
seed value, which is 0.
MATH PRB (Probability) Operations