Math, Angle, and Test Operations 2-11
MIN( (minimum value, MATH NUM, item 5) returns the smaller
of two values or the smallest element in a list. If two lists are
compared, it returns a list of the smaller of each pair of
elements. If a list and a value are compared, it compares each
element in the list to the value.
MAX( (maximum value, MATH NUM, item 6) returns the larger
of two values or the largest element in a list. If two lists are
compared, it returns a list of the larger of each pair of
elements. If a list and a value are compared, it compares each
element in the list to the value.
MIN(valueA,valueB) MAX(valueA,valueB)
MIN(list) MAX(list)
MIN(listA,listB) MAX(listA,listB)
MIN(value,list) MAX(value,list)
MIN(list,value) MAX(list,value)
Note: MIN( and MAX( are also available on the LIST MATH
REMAINDER( (MATH NUM, item 7) returns the remainder
resulting from the division of two integers, each of which can
be a list. (See INT÷, page 2–7.)
REMAINDER(valueA,valueB) REMAINDER(listA,listB)
REMAINDER(value,list) REMAINDER(list,value)
If a list is used as one or both arguments, the result is a list of