9-18 Statistics
You can plot statistical data that you have entered in lists. The types of plots
available include scatter plots, x-y lines, box and whisker plots, and histograms.
You can define up to three plots at a time.
To plot statistical data:
1. Enter the statistical data as lists (page 9-9 and Chapter 8).
2. Select the statistical calculations (pages 9-14 through 9-16
), and calculate the statistical variables (page 9-17) or fit
the data to a model, if desired.
3. Select or deselect Y= equations, as appropriate
(Chapter 4).
4. Define the statistical plot (page 9-20).
5. Turn the plot(s) on, if necessary (page 9-21).
6. Define the viewing window (page 9-21 and Chapter 4).
7. Display and explore the graph by pressing ,, *,
or +.
¼ (scatter plot) plots the data points from XL (X list) and YL
(Y list) as coordinate pairs, showing each point as a box (Â),
cross (+), or dot (¦). XL and YL must be the same length. They
can be the same list.
½ (XYLine) is a scatter plot in which the data points are
plotted and connected in the order in which they appear in XL
and YL. You may want to sort the lists with SORTA( or
SORTD( before plotting.
Statistical PlottingSteps
Scatter Plot