B-8 Service and Warranty Information
To maximize accuracy, the TI.80 carries more digits internally than it displays.
Values in memory are stored using up to 13 digits with a
two-digit exponent.
¦You can store values in the Window variables using up to
10 digits (13 digits for XSCL, YSCL, and TSTEP).
¦When a value is displayed, the displayed value is rounded
as specified by the MODE setting (Chapter 1), with a
maximum of 10 digits and a two-digit exponent.
¦REGEQ displays up to 13 digits.
XMIN is the center of the leftmost pixel, XMAX is the center of
the next to the rightmost pixel. (The rightmost pixel is
reserved for the busy indicator.) @X is the distance between
the centers of two adjacent pixels.
¦@X is calculated as (XMAX–XMIN)à62.
¦If @X is entered from the Home screen or a program, then
XMAX is calculated as XMIN+@X×62.
Ymin is the center of the next to the bottom pixel, YMAX is
the center of the top pixel. @Y is the distance between the
centers of two adjacent pixels.
¦@Y is calculated as (YMAX.YMIN)à46.
¦If @Y is entered from the Home screen or a program, then
YMAX is calculated as YMIN+@Y×46.
Cursor coordinates are displayed as six characters, which may
include a negative sign, decimal point, and exponent.
Accuracy Information