4-4 Function Graphing
Pressing 3 displays the current mode settings, as described in Chapter 1. For
function graphing, the graphing mode must be set to FUNC. Before you graph a
function, check to be sure that the mode settings are appropriate.
Press 3 to display the mode settings. The current settings
are highlighted.
The TI-80 has two graphing modes.
¦FUNC (function graphing)
¦PARAM (parametric graphing)
To graph functions, you must select FUNC (function
The basics of graphing on the TI-80 are described in this
chapter. Differences in parametric graphing are described in
Chapter 5.
The mode settings can affect how functions are graphed.
¦RADIAN or DEGREE mode may affect how some functions
are interpreted.
¦CONNECTED or DOT affects how the selected functions
are plotted.
¦SEQUENTIAL or SIMUL affects how functions are plotted
if you have more than one function selected.
You can set the graphing mode and other modes from a
Begin on a blank line in the program editor. Press 3 to
display the MODE screen. Press 8 and 7 to place the cursor
on the mode that you want to select, and then press ¸.
The name of the mode is copied to the cursor location.
Setting Graph Modes
Checking and
Graphing Modes
Setting Modes
from a Program