High-Band Cascaded: Image Rejection
Control state: 111001
Test setup Figure 20
Image Rejection is a signal that appears at twice the IF distance from the desired RF signal, located on the opposite side of the LO frequency from the desired RF signal. The measurement is performed using two RF sources and a spectrum analyzer.
1)Set the RF source power (RF Pin) and the desired RF frequency (FRF) (see Table 4). Connect the RF source to the EVM RF input port, J20.
2)Set the LO source power (LO Pin) and the desired LO frequency (FLO)(see Table 4). Connect the LO source to the EVM LO input port, J12.
3)Set the spectrum analyzer to measure at the IF frequency (FIF)(see Table 4).
4)Connect the EVM IF output port, J21, to the spectrum analyzer.
5)Measure the output power at the IF frequency (IF Pout) with the spectrum analyzer.
6)Set the RF Frequency to FRF + 2 FIF.
7)Measure the output power at the IF frequency (IF Pout) with the spectrum analyzer
8)Calculate the Image Rejection as
Image Rejection = Δ between the IF output power at (FRF) and the IF output power at FRF + 2 FIF
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