Display Controller and Modes

4.The DVD video overlay is not displayed when the display mode of CRT display is set to high resolution and high refresh rate mode at LCD/CRT simultaneous or multimonitor.

Please decrease the resolution and refresh rate of CRT display.

5.A DVDreproduced image may not be displayed in correct position when you press Fn+F1 to enter into Instant Security mode while a DVD is playing under WinDVD 4.0, and then move the mouse or press the key to exit Instant Security mode. In this case, close WinDVD 4.0 and open it again, or pres the Stop button and then the Play button to display the DVD image in correct position.

The following steps will work around this problem.

a.Run WinDVD 4.0. Click the Subpanel button and select the Display option from the list.

b.In the Subpanel window, click the Setup button.

c.In the Setup window, deselect the Hardware decode acceleration checkbox (Deselecting this checkbox will automatically deselect the Hardware colour acceleration checkbox).

d.Click the OK button (The Setup tab panel will close).

TOSHIBA A40 Series
