
TOSHIBA Touch Pad Pressing Fn + F9 in a windows environment

On/Off Utility enables or disables the Touch Pad function. When you press these hot keys, the current setting will change and be displayed as an icon.

TOSHIBA Touch and TOSHIBA Touch and Launch is a tool that allows

Launchyou to perform various tasks easily using Touch pad. TOSHIBA Touch and Launch is useful in the following conditions.

To open a file located on the desktop whose icon is obscured by a window.

To open a page contained in the Internet Explorer Favourites menu.

To display the list of currently open windows and change the active window.

Also TOSHIBA Touch and Launch provides the following functions by customizing the settings.

To open a file stored in a predefined folder.

To quickly launch your frequently used applications which have been registered.

PC Diagnostic Tool TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool displays the basic information on PC, and the test of builtin devices can also be performed. You can boot TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool form the menu bar as follows.

Start > All Programs > TOSHIBA >

Utilities > PC Diagnostic Tool

TOSHIBA A40 Series