warranty within the scope of the applicable laws. These software components are not subject to any copyrights or other third-party rights and are provided in „as is‰ condition without any warranty, whether express or implied. „Warranty‰ here includes, but not limited to, an implied warranty for marketability or fitness for specific uses.All risks associated with the quality or performance of these software components are assumed by the user. TOSHIBA shall not be liable whatsoever for any cost of repair or correction or other incidental expense incurred in connection with a defect found in any of these software components. Unless specified under the applicable laws or in a written agreement, a party who changes or redistributes the software with consent from the copyright holders or based on the aforementioned licenses shall not be held liable whatsoever for any loss arising from the use of or inability to use such software components. The same applies even when the copyright holders or relevant third parties have been informed of the possibility of such loss. „Loss‰ here includes normal, special, incidental and indirect loss (including, but not limited to, the loss of data or its accuracy; loss incurred by the user or any third party; and interface incompatibility with other software). Please read each EULA for details on the use conditions and items that must be observed regarding these software components.
The table below lists the software components preinstalled in the Blu-ray Disc™ and Online Media Player, which are subject to EULAs. The user should read the applicable EULAs carefully before using these software components. The EULAs are exhibited in their original text (English) as exactly written by the respective parties other than TOSHIBA.
For the Open-Source Software Included in the Blu-ray Disc™ and Online Media Player, type http://oss.bd.toshiba.com/version3 in your browser and click on the corresponding Open-Source Software License link.
The Open-Source Software included in the Blu-ray Disc™ and Online Media Player is described in the table below. To view the Open-Source agreements, please type in http://oss.bd.toshiba.com/version3 into your browser and click on the corresponding Open-Source Software License link provided. Additionally, the licenses can be viewed by typing in the URL addresses listed in the License column.
| | | | OSS license |
OSS name | OSS version | OSS project URL |
Linux kernel | | | | |
| gcc libgcc | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | 2.6.35 | http://www.kernel.org | GPLv2 |
gcc libstdc++ | 4.5.1 | http://gcc.gnu.org/ | GPLv3.txt and gcc-exception.txt |
| | | | | (GPLv3 with GCC Runtime Library |
| | | | | Exception) |
glibc | 4.5.1 | http://gcc.gnu.org/ | GPLv3.txt and gcc-exception.txt |
SquashFS | | | | (GPLv3 with GCC Runtime Library |
| iputils | | | | Exception) |
| | 2.12.2 | http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/ | LGPLv2.1 |
| | 4.1 | http://squashfs.sourceforge.net/ | GPLv2 |
| | s20101006 | http://www.skbuff.net/iputils/ | GPLv2 |
| | | | | |