Features | 5 |
This chapter gives you all of the cordless digital telephone features in alphabetical order
beginning on Page 47. Your cordless digital telephone provides many of the same features as a
'LDO functions, you can use your cordless digital telephone’s )~) buttons to invoke the features listed below or to gain
When sharing the same station, your cordless )~) buttons perform the same functions as the first four buttons on a
If you are not using the programmable )~) buttons, you can use the alternate steps in this chapter to invoke the features listed below.
♦ | 5HGLDO | ♦ | 'R1RW'LVWXUE |
♦ | &DOO)UZG$OO&DOOV | ♦ | /&'0VJ6HOHFW |
♦ | &DOO)UZG%XV\ | ♦ | 3ULYDF\RQ/LQH |
♦ | 6SHHG'LDO | ♦ | '66 |
♦ | &DOO)UZG%XV\1$QV | ♦ | 7RQH'LDO6HOHFW |
♦ | &DOO)UZG([WHUQDO | ♦ | 6WDUW |
There may by some feature operation differences on older version systems - compared to Strata DK424 (e.g., Strata DK280, Strata DK24/56/96 and Strata DK14 & DK40). Please see
Features | 37 |