2 Troubleshooting Procedures
2-22 [CONFIDENTIAL] TECRA S3 Maintenance Manual (960-532)
Table 2-4 Printer port LED boot mode status (3/9)
LED Status Test item Message
Prohibiti o n of cache
Permission of L1/L 2 c ache in
FlashROM ar e a
Initialization of H/W (bef ore
DRAM recognition) Initializatio n of MCH
Initialization of ICH.D30.Func0
Initialization of ICH.D31.Func0
Initialization of ICH.D31.Func1/2
Initializ ati o n of US B Cont r oll er
Initialization of ICH.D31.Func3
Initia lization of ICH Audio
Initialization of TI Controller
Initialization of PIT channel 1 (Setting the refresh interval to “30μs”)
Check of DRAM type and size
(at cold boot) When unsu p por t ed me mory is connect ed, bec o mi ng
HLT after beep sound
SM-RAM stack area test HLT when DRAM size is 0
HLT When it can not be used as a stack
Cache configuration
Cache permission
CMOS access test
(at cold boot) (HLT when an error is detected)
Battery level check of CMOS
CMOS checksum check
Initialization of CMOS data (1)
Setting of IRT stat us (Setting of bo ot stat us an d IRT b us y fla g, Th e rest bits
are 0)
Storing DRAM size in CMOS
Not resume when a CMOS error occ urr e d
Not resume when resume status code is not set
Resume error check
S3 returning error (1CH) (Resume error LED=7AH)
SM-RAM checksum check (Resume error
Check of memory configuration change (Resume
error LED=73H)
03h Resume branch (at c old boot)
RAM area checksum check in system BIOS
(Resume err or LE D=79 H )