2 Troubleshooting Procedures
TECRA S3 Maintenance Manual (960-532) [CONFIDENTIAL] 2-23
Table 2-4 Printer port LED boot mode status (4/9)
LED Status Test item Contents
Expansion me mory checksu m check
resume error (Res um e err or LE D= 76 H)
PnP RAM checksum check (Resume
error LED=77 H)
Transition to RESUME-MAIN
Resume error pr oc ess Reset of CPU clock to low
Prohibition of all SMI
Clearance of resume status
Return to ROM
Turning area of C0000h to EFFFFh to PCI
(Prohibiti on of DRAM)
Setting of resume error request
Copying ROM/RAM of system BIOS (HLT, when error occurs)
04h Security check
05h SMRAM initialization
APIC initialization
WakeUp factor check
SMRAM bas e rewri ti ng an d CP U state
map saving for BIOS
Permission of SMI based on ASMI
06h Initialization of devices which need
initialization before PCI bus initialization. PIT test (Cold boot only) and initialization
Setting of test pattern to channel 0 of
Check whether the set test pattern can be
Initialization of PIT channel 0, Setting of
timer interruption interval to 55ms
Initialization of PIT channel 2, Setting of
the sound generator frequency to 664Hz
Test of PIT channel 1 (Chec k whether the
refresh sig nal w orks n or mall y i n 30 mi c ro-
s refresh i nterval.) HLT, when the time is
Test of PIT channel 2 (Check whether the
speaker gate works normally.)
CPU clock measurement
Check of parameter block A
Permission of SMI exc ept au to- of f fu nct i on
Judging of destination (Jap a n or exce pt
Japan) based on DMI dat a