HD Mesh Node
System Web Configuration
The System page will allow you to change the password simply by clicking the password link. The ID of the HDMESH can also be changed from the system page. The unit can also be rebooted. The system page also provides you with a system RESET. (Figure 11)
Note: The system reset defaults the unit completely to Mikrotik’s default configuration. You will then need to reload Trango’s default configuration.
Figure 11
Firewall Web Configuration
The HD Mesh node by default is configured to use public interface ether 9 and NAT enabled. The web browser is the easiest way to create a firewall. Simply select a public interface and check the NAT box. Checking Protect Router and Protect Customer adds additional rules to strength the firewall. (Figure 12)
•Public Interface
•Protect Router
•Protect Customer
Figure 12
Trango Broadband Wireless — High Density MESH | page 16 |