TS8G~16GCF600 | 600X CompactFlash Card | |
Value | Current PIO timing mode selected |
0 | Specified in word 64 |
1 | PIO Mode 5 |
2 | PIO Mode 6 |
Reserved |
Value | Current Multiword DMA timing mode selected |
0Specified in word 63
1Multiword DMA Mode 3
2Multiword DMA Mode 4
Word 164: CF Advanced PCMCIA I/O and Memory Timing Modes Capabilities and Settings
This word describes the capabilities and current settings for CFA defined advanced timing modes using the Memory and PCMCIA I/O interface.
Notice: The use of PCMCIA I/O or Memory modes that are 100ns or faster impose significant restrictions on the implementation of the host:
Additional Requirements for CF Advanced Timing Modes.
Value | Maximum PCMCIA IO timing mode Supported |
0 | 255ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode |
1 | 120ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode |
2 | 100ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode |
3 | 80ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode |
Reserved |
Indicates the Maximum Memory timing mode supported by the card.
Value | Maximum Memory timing mode Supported |
0 | 250ns Cycle Memory Mode |
1 | 120ns Cycle Memory Mode |
2 | 100ns Cycle Memory Mode |
3 | 80ns Cycle Memory Mode |
Reserved |
Transcend Information Inc. | 71 |