6. KVM Operation (continued)
6.6.3 Mouse Synchronization
computersconnectedtotheKVMswitch,aVideo Auto Sync is performed,
at which time the local and remote mouse pointers are automatically
aligned. If these two mouse pointers do not align properly, or if the
response time is slow and choppy, there are a number of methods
to get them synced and working properly. Before trying any mouse
synchronization procedures, it is always a good idea to ensure that you
instructions below. The Mouse Properties Settings should be set on the
access it.
Note: In order for the local and remote mice to synchronize, you must use
the generic mouse driver supplied with your Windows operating system. If
you have a third party driver installed - such as one supplied by the mouse
manufacturer - you must remove it.
Windows 2000:
1.OpentheMousePropertiesdialogbox(Control Panel Mouse
Mouse Properties).
2. Click the Motion tab.
4. Set the mouse acceleration to None.
Windows XP / Server 2003 / Vista / 7:
1. Open the Mouse Properties dialog box (Control Panel Mouse).
2. Click the Pointer Options tab.
4.DisableEnhance Pointer Precision.
Windows ME:
acceleration. (Click the Advanced button to get the dialog box for this).
Windows NT / Windows 98 / Windows 95:
Sun / Linux
Open a terminal session and issue the following command:
Sun: xset m 1Linux: xset m 0
Mouse Synchronization Procedures
If you are having syncing problems after adjusting the mouse properties of
the connected computer, try the following methods to help synchronize the
local and remote mouse pointers:
Note: Mouse synchronization may require several seconds to take effect.
Wait for 15 to 30 seconds to ensure that the mouse has had enough time to
• PerformaVideo Auto Sync by clicking on the Video Auto Sync icon in
Sync button. In most cases, the local and remote mouse pointers will
automatically align following the Video Auto Sync.
• Movethemousepointerintoallfourcornersofthescreen(inany
• InvoketheAdjust Mousehotkeycommand(seepage23fordetails).
This hotkey command defaults at [Alt], [M], and will bring the local
and remote mouse pointers together.
• Ifmouseandkeyboardresponsetimeisslowandchoppy,adjusting
the video settings can help. The less data that is being sent over the
network, the faster the mouse and keyboard response time. In particular,
adjustment of the Quality and Color Depth Control settings in the
Video Settingsscreen(seepage23-24fordetails)canhelpdecreasethe
amount of data being transferred.
• GototheDisplay SettingsinthecomputerconnectedtotheKVMand
decrease the Screen Resolution and Color Quality settings.
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